People often ask me if my mom got into rescue because of me or vice versa. I think we both encouraged each other, as we lived in different states but shared our “war stories” almost every evening. Geri fostered (and often adopted those foster kitties or senior dogs), volunteered at high volume spay/neuter clinics, worked fund raising events, and even sent supplies to Mexico to help rescuers there. I think that Geri would want me to continue our work of helping cats and trying to make the world a kinder place.
Diane’s rescue journey began with trap/neuter/return of feral cats and socializing kittens over 25 years ago. She was also a professional cat sitter in Seattle for over 20 years. She holds a BA in Society, Ethics and Human Behavior and an MA in Cultural Studies from the University of Washington. Diane enjoys writing and may be able to assist with website content writing for your organization. She is also be available to make presentations on cat care and environmental enrichment for small events.